The Dusk Dancer Bloodline The Dusk Dancer bloodline is not a true bloodline, but it may become one in time. It is composed of sprites from all other bloodlines who have chosen, due to curiosity, to adapt to and become more involved in civilization and the societies of "big creatures." A Dusk Dancer sprite, when asked about his or her bloodline will usually give an answer such as, "I am a Dusk Dancer of the." Dusk Dancers have the advantage of being more in touch with the rest of the world, therefore having far more access to new and exciting things. Dusk Dancers are not looked down upon, though sprite families are often sad to see one of their own fly off to live in a city. Instead, they are welcomed back whenever they return with friendly cries of, "What did you bring us? What did you see? Were there shiny things? Tasty things? Tell us!!"