[Spells help] Aura Spells In the world of Shattered Kingdoms, an eternal struggle between good and evil rages on in the open and in the shadows. As there are mortals that are innately good or evil, so are there items endowed with the power to specifically assist either side of the conflict. Two spells allow casters to better understand the influence of these extremes in their world. 'Detect Aura' and 'Know Alignment' have specific applications that operate in complementary ways, which allow characters to better anticipate the actions of others and respond to them in accordance to their own convictions based on aura and alignment. Syntax: cast 'detect aura' Syntax: cast 'know alignment'Detect aura will provide basic yet, at times, invaluable information about people, creatures or items encountered in the spell caster's travels. When cast, the caster's eyes will tingle, allowing him or her to see the mystical aura that surrounds all living things and some magically created objects. Know alignment will show the caster the truth about the victim's heart, revealing the specific alignment that defines him. Note that this spell is a silent tool; the victim will not see the caster start to concentrate or be made aware that his or her true intentions have been discovered. See also: roleplay alignment