[Objects help] quaff brandish recite zap Syntax: quaffbrandish recite zap Quaff swallows a magical potion (as opposed to drink which swallows mundane liquids to quench the thirst). Note that some "potions" are distilled into pills. Use the eat command to consume a pill. Brandish activates a magical staff, if held. Note that magical staves are not the ones used as physical weapons in combat. The maximum useful spellpower trains while using a stave is 3. Recite activates a magical scroll. The target may be optional depending upon the nature of the spell which the scroll contains. The maximum useful spellpower trains while using a scroll is 6. Zap activates a magical wand at its target while it is being held. If a target is not specified, it will either be zapped at yourself or any opponent, depending on the nature of the spell. The maximum useful spellpower trains while using a wand is 9. Potions and scrolls contain only a single charge of their spell, while staves and wands may contain multiple charges. Once an item has been depleted, it will vanish. See also: brew recharge scribe scrolls staves wands spellpower