[License] sk-credits Shattered Kingdoms would like to give special thanks to Bane: This mud only exists because of his motivation to find a site and start a new mud. Many of our major features were coded by him. Dulrik: For incremental code enhancements over the years, some crucial area files, and builder coordination. Dreddnahr: For his administrative talents in keeping the mud running. Xandrennus: For incremental code enhancements. Diku, Merc, ROM, Isles: For providing us with base code to work with. Batmud, Carrion Fields, Mortal Realms: For random assorted ideas that we implemented without their code. Able, Blackwood, Crystalmir, Dreadweaver, Kalok, Presto, Shadowhunter, Tanis, Xareth: The initial builders who put time and effort into this mud before we were ready to playtest. All of the current deities of Shattered Kingdoms. See also: credits diku merc