[Religion help] healer Syntax: heal Syntax: healThe healer is a local priest trained in most, or all, of the healing arts. Healers need to keep in practice with their abilities, and so will often cast spells on beginning adventurers. Experienced adventurers are stronger and therefore require much more effort to cure their afflictions. Healers require money, in increasingly greater amounts, to cure powerful heroes. By typing heal at the healer, you will see a list of available spells: Heal blindness - Cast cure blindness Heal deafness - Cast cure deafness Heal critical - Cast cure critical wounds Heal disease - Cast cure disease Heal energizer - Cast energizer Heal heal - Cast heal Heal light - Cast cure light wounds Heal poison - Cast cure poison Heal refresh - Cast refresh Heal regenerate - Cast regeneration Heal restoration - Cast restoration Heal serious - Cast cure serious wounds Heal uncurse - Cast remove curse To receive a listed cure, use the second listed syntax and the spell will be cast on you, assuming you can cough up the cash. Some cures are not guaranteed to be effective. If the spell does not work, the healer will only charge half the listed cost. See also: heal restoration regeneration refresh