[Laws help] banish Banishment is an option that has been given to tribunals in each of the governed cities in Shattered Kingdoms. Although the law systems of each kingdom are completely automated when it comes to common crimes, there may come a point at which a criminal has become so reviled that the tribunal will need to step in and banish him or her from the kingdom forever. The use of banish is discretionary by the tribunal leader but some conditions that can lead to banishment include repeat offenders, causing a public nuisance and performing attacks against the kingdom itself. A banish mark can only be issued by a tribunal leader to an existing criminal. This means that the victim must either be in prison already or have a bounty listed with the magistrate for that city. A banished player is hunted by the law enforcement mobs of the kingdom they are banished from. If caught, they'll be attacked and stunned. At this time, the offender will be transferred to jail to serve any outstanding warrants or, in the case that these have been served, randomly teleported to a room outside of the kingdom. Banishment never ends, regardless of how many times you are banished. The only way to remove the mark is to have a tribunal leader remove it for you. If you are banished from your native land, you also lose your citizenship. See also: outlaw tribunal immigration