[Party help] party-leader Syntax: party renameparty destination [area name] party goal [rp|pk|xp|gp|any] party align [best alignment] [worst alignment] party status [lowest status] [highest status] party advertise party invite [character name] party eject [character name] party disband party info [all|roster|formation] party info [name] Rename will allow you to give the party a new name. There are several party commands that allow party mission parameters to be set. Destination will allow you to specify the name of the area where the leader intends to take the party. Goal lets you specify up to four different tags the party's intended purpose. Align specifies the best (most good) to worst (most evil) alignments the party intends to include. Status indicates the lowest to highest levels that the party intends to include. The party mission parameters are not binding upon the party. Instead they are used when requesting the astral conclave to advertise for additional party members. Prospective members will be mentally contacted and may (or may not) respond to the invitation. Only one advertisement is allowed per party. Invite can be used on any character in the room. It can also be used to invite players from anywhere in the world. Remote invites may only be issued and accepted when the party leader is in a calm state of mind. Eject may be used by a group leader to force another person out of the group. Disband ends the group, freeing everyone to go their own way. For an explanation about info, see the party-member help file. See also: party, no-party, party-member, alignment, status, area