A while back, a few staffers got together and discussed alignment adherence and the then-hot debate surrounding it and whether or not it was a problem on SK.
We concluded that the ambiguity of the helpfiles led to wide interpretation, and that, even if we agreed that something was "bad" roleplay, justifications were still possible by using the gray areas therein. So, we're on a mission to make things more clear, and we're starting with the roleplay file. While the hierarchy now illustrated in "help roleplay" has always been the standard by which characters have been judged, it is not always how they have been played. Henceforward, this will be the expectation of all characters. Please take the time to familiarize yourselves with it.
Alignment is the core of your character, not an accessory feature. Every choice that your character makes should be checked against it. There is, of course, room for internal (and external) conflict, but your character's actions, religion, faction, and relationships should make sense in context to alignment -- probably most especially with enmity.
Punishments for flagrantly breaking alignment will vary by severity.