Due to increased usage of the forums, we have made a small change. For 99% of users, we are expecting that (a) you won't have any problems and (b) the pages will download a bit faster.
If anyone *does* have problems, please send me an email or a PM and let me know some details of the system having the problem (eg, operating system version, web browser type and version, type of internet connection, etc).
Simple Explanation...
We are shrinking the forum pages, and sending them from the server to your browser a bit faster.
Technogeek Explanation...
We are hoping to lower bandwidth usage of the server by enabling the GZIP functions within the phpBB forum system. This will cause the webserver to 'zip up' the HTML source of any forum page prior to sending it to you, and notifying your browser to automatically 'unzip' the pages when they arrive.
Such capabilities are automatically negotiated when your browser asks the server for a page (HTTP 1.1), and browsers that don't support the feature are sent the HTML source 'as normal'. Graphics and other non-source files are not included in the compressed content.