A new collegium has been constructed in the kingdom of Taslamar!
Those who create a new character from today onwards will be automatically taken there when they select 'Taslamar' as their starting city. The place has a very in-depth theme that will be most educational, especially for those who are new to Shattered Kingdoms or to mudding in general.
Those who are presently using the Salle in the northeast part of the city of Exile can either continue doing so, or use RECALL to be transferred to the Infirmary in the new Collegium (which is in the west wing).
If anyone has any problems with or suggestions for the area, please send me a PM.
Note: The author of the area is Sargas/Bill/Lorias. I've merely transferred it from its dormant state to become a live, accessible area. Credit for the impressive content goes to him, not me.