Ren wrote:
I know it depends on terrain and all, but there is SERIOUSLY nothing more unfun than waiting 5-8 minutes for them to recover only to have to do it all over again 10 minutes later. Is there anyway to speed this process up?
1) food and drink - don't go anywhere without them. If all you have is a basic/newbie drink container, get more than one of them or find/ask for better.
2) work on your constitution via train stats or items
3) steed - mounting and riding helps significantly - though if you recall normally you will lose it, so take care.
4) flight - (be wary of wind) - some classes cast it, some items activate it (herbs, staves, wands, pill-sorts). Ask someone if you're unsure.
5) refresh - handy spell that gives back movement . Again, some classes cast it, etc.
6) travel with someone - who has flight, refresh, or is a centaur/griffon sort who will roleplay/allow you to mount them.