There are times when the game has to decide whether or not an offensive
ability 'worked'. The most common example of this is when an aggressive
spell such as blindness is cast. To determine whether or not the
target is indeed blinded, the character receives a saving throw.
The term saving throw is a historical reference to tabletop roleplaying
where the player performs a dice roll to determine the outcome. On SK,
the game calculates all random chances for you. However there are still
ways to improve the odds of succeeding on a saving throw. There are
three types of saving throws - fortitude, reflex and willpower.
-Fortitude is used against abilities that primarily attempt to impede or
corrupt the body. Examples of spells of this type include blindness,
deafness, energy drain, finger of death, petrification, plague, and slow.
-Reflex is used against abilities where speed and coordination might allow
you to escape the brunt of the attack. Examples of spells of this type
include acid blast, call lightning, fireball, hellfire and magma spray.
-Willpower is used against abilities that primarily attempt to influence
the mind or its connection to the weave of magic. Examples of spells of
this type include charm person, curse, dispel magic, sleep and summon.
You can increase these three modifiers by increasing their related stats.
Fortitude is linked to constitution, reflex is linked to dexterity and
willpower is linked to wisdom. You can also increase them through the
use of certain abilities like fury and by enchanting equipment.
That helps you understand some of em, but I can't explain magical protection really I'm still a little confused about that. Orius explains em pretty well maybe he'll throw something up here.
As far as humming armor, there are scrolls you can buy to make that happen. And glowing, whenever you see an enchant that 'looks' brilliant, that's a double enchant pretty much, and it also makes the item glow as a sort of side effect.
Anyway some things enchant better than others, and can take more enchantments before it will evaporate. Not sure if there's a way to tell what takes more enchantments than others other than trial and error.