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 Post subject: Pking for DummI3s
PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 6:41 pm 

Joined: Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:11 am
Posts: 941
Ok, I admit it, I'm a Dummy when it comes to PK, but I'd like to get better. I don't expect one person to give an answer each and every scenario I pose on here, but if you think you've got a good idea for them, please post it up.

The things in parenthesis are all I know about the various classes, or just little notes to myself. Feel free to ignore the parenthesis.

1. General tips every PK'er should follow no matter class/race
(Having a pet in front of you at all times is the answer I've gotten most)

2. Mercenary -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(Don't know much about them. Can use any weapon, and wear heavy armor)

3. Swashbuckler -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(again, I don't know much, besides that they use two weapons and wear light armor)

4. Barbarian -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(If you start a fight with cleave, kill, Bstab, the counterstrike gets ya. Are also resistant to magic, right? What's fury, and its downside?)

5. Priest -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(Great healers, I know, they also have the hurt spell, and word of holy(?) some wear heavy, some light, some cloth)

6. Paladin -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(Heavy armor, can heal themselves, have great anti-evil spells)

7. Hellion -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(Heavy armor, has cleave... that's all I know)

8. Shaman -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(voodoo, it's a strong spell that can hit you no matter where you are...:()

9. Rogue -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(Bstab, circle stab, hamstring. Good at doing damage if not under attack)

10. Scout -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(Now have the strongest pets in the game! Also, ambush... no idea on how powerful it is, though)

11. Bard -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(F minor staggers, B chord deafens, but both are rare to use, as they hit all)

12. Sorcerer -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(cloth armor, powerful spells, scare the [REDACTED] out of me)

13. Warlock -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(light armor, elementals, also scary)

14. Necromancer -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(cloth armor, animate army of dead, have finger o' death, energy drain, and also scare me)

That's it for classes.
Race next.

15. Human -- Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(bonus to begining stats depending on class)

16. Half-Elf -- Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(weak vs iron (and cold?), good vs charm)

17. Halfling --Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(gets max CHA... good vs magic, bad vs blunt, can hide/sneak no matter the class)

18. Gnome -- Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(gets max WIS, good vs magic, bad vs blunt, has detect burried(?))

19. Elf -- Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(master sneak, very good vs magic/charm, weak vs iron, (cold?) negative energies, and sickness)

20. Deep-Elf --Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(same as elves, but also has faerie fire. but weak vs light, instead of nega-energies)

21. Dwarf --Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(better at axe than most...somehow)

22. Centaur --Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(good vs blunt, has kick innate(?) good vs cold, acid weak vs fire)

23. Sprite --Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(gets max DEX, can fly innately, as well as faerie fire and fog, weak vs sickness, blunt, iron good vs magic/mental)

24. Griffon -- Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(good vs cold, acid. immunity to sickness. good vs charm)

25. Giant -- Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(good vs sickness. innate bash, and boulder throwing(?), weak vs mental attacks, very weak vs lightning)

26. Minotaur --Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(innate gore, good vs magic/charm, weak vs energy/sonic)

WHEW. Think that's everything.

As I said before, don't post ALL the answers (you'll just tire yourself out) Post the answer of the class and race you've played for 500+ hours. The ones that you know inside and out.

Thank you, everyone.

Last edited by laeZ1 on Mon May 11, 2009 8:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 6:55 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 28, 2006 2:35 pm
Posts: 285
Location: Gergia, United States
Well from my experience. I love minotuar barbarians.

Fury is one of the best skills a barb gets.
'berserk' - penalty to magical protection <-Only down side
'berserk' - morale bonus to weapon speed
'berserk' - morale bonus to fortitude
'berserk' - morale bonus to willpower
'berserk' - morale bonus to weapon damage
'berserk' - morale bonus to probability to hit
It also heals liek 21 points

Counter also really helpful. But can be easily avoided. Bash, trip, a spell, gore.

Barb's are a lot tougher then most fighters. Though understand which weapons are best. Best weapon for a barb in my opinion. Divine orbs or bandalors. Both really hard to parry so you can tear through a swashbuckler

Minotaur. They are not weak against energy. Don't know why people say that but bards and weapons that do sonic or sound damage are really affective. Though there are not many weapons like that.

Any spells like giant strength or virtality or what ever Nashira's faith spell is will max you out at a giant's strength and a dwarfs constitution. They are best made for fighters.

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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 7:17 pm 

Joined: Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:43 am
Posts: 2323
SK Character: Airkli
can you not reveal religious spells please?

Warlocks are a very fun class, and my personal favorite. They possess useful and very powerful defensive spells, while also having extremely powerful attack spells. A powerful warlock is great for healing large groups on trips to the wastelands etc... If you're smart, you'll figure out how to be a third row caster (so you can cast magma spray without getting touched). They also utilize both wands and staves which can be devastating if in the right hands.

Not good for beginners. I would suggest playing a sorc first because a sorc with a good mentor will learn how to find everything in the game that a warlock will need (mithril, wands, eq, STR armor, DEX armor).

Something to remember is that the CON of your elemental is the CON of you the caster, so a warlock with max con is necessary if you plan on having your elemental tank for you (lol). The biggest danger that a warlock will face is blindness because at that point all you can do is spam 'healing rays' to hope your elemental will stay alive. This is why you should always carry an eye-washer in one hand, cure blindness vial or herb in your inventory, and a powerful attack stave/wand in the other hand. (Blindness can also be prevented with dexEQ and enchantments, but those are more twink-like methods that require both knowledge of game and outside assistance).

Stone skin and Ironguard allow you to get out of a bad situation. If you realize that you're stone skin and ironguard are being tested with melee strikes, that is your chance to get the hell out of there (being second row, with auto assist off, you can simply walk away from a fight).

Very easy to level up (with attack spells that hit large numbers). Keep in mind that those spells you use to level will also come very handy in PvP. Chain lightning/Cone of Cold/Fireball your enemies at a distance. However, remember that without ART trained, your spells will mean nothing against any prepared fighter.

Stone skin doesn't deflect ACID.. and the yo-yo is your worst enemy because it has reach. Third row as much as possible, I wont reveal any IC info on the many ways to achieve being a 3rd row warlock.

Everyone loves a good warlock in their group. Best support there is.

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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 7:48 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:01 pm
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SK Character: Retired Troll
I’m not a veteran player or “pro” pker, but I’ll do my best to answer the post. First of all, the most important thing about pk is preparation. This includes having the right vials, scrolls, wands, armor, enchantments on your armor, weaponry etc. It also includes knowing who you are fighting against, and what you can expect from your opponent, meaning that it is an absolute –must- that you understand the skills and spells available for each class, not just the one you’re playing. Knowing what you’re up against, and having a tentative plan for what you’re going to do at the start of a fight is very useful in pk.

I would suggest looking at the skillset for each class so you’re familiar with their strengths and weaknesses. Then I would look over the logs sight, and look at how more experienced players handle themselves in various situations. After that, do the proper preparation, and expect to die a bit while you get the hang of pk. It will take a bit of practice.

Your post is kind of vague, and I’m not sure I want to write up a summary of the strengths and weaknesses of each class and race. I’ll point out a few important things that you didn’t mention in your post, though.

Scrolls is an incredibly good skill. Rogues, bards, priests, sorcerers and necromancers get scrolls. Anyone who is not well enchanted will instantly lose to someone who has scrolls.

Swashbucklers get taunt, one of the scariest skills in the game. If you are taunted, you are forced to stay in the room with the swashbuckler. The only way “out of” being taunted is going ethereal (via scrolls, wands, or casting), or killing the swashbuckler.

Warlocks are underpowered, imo. I'm really surprised to see someone who's been playing a warlock argue differently.

Humans are better than half-elves for every class, except bard. Humans are a strong race, and a safe decision for any class.

Deep-elves make great casters, but are weaker in melee and vulnerable to bolt of glory.

Dwarves are underpowered as casters.

Griffons don’t get many armor slots, meaning they can’t be well enchanted, meaning you shouldn’t make one. They require the least prep to be pk “ready,” but will still always die to casters/people with scrolls.

I could write a whole lot more. Maybe I will later.

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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:38 pm 

Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2004 8:43 am
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Location: Columbia, South Carolina
SK Character: Pilnor, Surrit, Berr, Rall
General tips about PvP: Always be prepared. This means carrying around word of recall potions, cure blindness herbs (For almost any class, yes), always having giant strength/haste sources if you play a melee class, having sources of protection, shield, and in most cases, healing of some sort. Whatever you do, don't let your combat items sit in your inventory because you didn't want to waste them, because they'll end up going to your enemy when he kills you.

Warlocks are very good in groups and against ill-prepared opponents, but against prepared opponents their offensive abilities are stymied. If you play a warlock, be sure to keep all of your defensive spells (Resist Elements, stone skin, ironguard) active at all times if PvP is even remotely possible. Again though, the biggest problem with warlocks is that they have a few glaring weaknesses that a skilled/prepared opponent can take advantage of. For example, magical weapons ignore stone skin, as so backstabs/circle stabs from magical weapons. Resist Elements and defensive spells, combined with good enchantments also make a lot of a warlocks' arsenal laughable to most PCs. The flip side is that magma, as well as lightning bolt, hurt a lot without RE and other spells, and low-level weapons don't even damage an elemental.

Necromancers are the most powerful class in the MUD, capable of dealing nigh instantaneous death to even the sturdiest warriors. A well-equipped, well-played necromancer is extremely hard to face off against. Without a source of etherealform or dispel magic, don't expect to kill a necromancer, but if you're in friendly territory and can force him to go ethereal you can limit his movement as bounty NPCs will spawn ethereal against ethereal outlaws. Learning to 'charge' holy words by having a group member start to cast and then have the leader walk into the room with undead is also a valid tactic if you have more than one PC that can cast holy word: This can disband undead handily, but takes great coordination and is very risky.

Barbarians sport the largest HP pool of any class in the MUD, and also are the biggest damage dealers with the use of fury. The weapon speed is essentially an extra attack with your weapon, and the increased damage is quite deadly. On the downside, they're more vulnerable to damage magic when berserked/furied, but with defensive spells, Magical Protection enchantments and enough HP trains, damaging spells typically aren't enough to stop a barbarian from ripping through your larynx like a tasty meal. Compared to mercenaries, barbarians are much less defensively minded, as they don't get enhanced parry and mercenaries get increased 'accuracy' with their respective weapon (Which translates into more parrying on the defensive end of things) but for a new character, barbarian is a much better choice. Alertness and counterstrike also provide a strong deterrent against one-hit kills. Also, don't play a dwarf barbarian. Seriously, they suck.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:43 pm 

Joined: Tue May 20, 2003 1:19 pm
Posts: 1896
just dont play a dwarf period. Maybe dwarf priest of Zavijah, but yeah... thats about it.

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 Post subject: Re: Pking for DummI3s
PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:56 pm 

Joined: Mon Nov 14, 2005 7:21 pm
Posts: 2506
Location: The yellow brick road
SK Character: Bran
1. General tips every PK'er should follow no matter class/race

Pet if solo, Spells, Enchanted armor, vials (heal, recall, sanct, other useful ones of course) be smart about going in gates/rifts, know who's wanted where in your group, and have the group formation aliased or something incase it gets messed up.

2. Mercenary -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(Spec'd weapon, enchants, vials, use retreat when in trouble, keep opponent bashed) (When fighting them, try to disarm them if you can or keep them bashed so they cannot use vials, blind them if possible, maledictions if you have some)

3. Swashbuckler -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(Heavier, harder hitting weapon in the main hand, quicker more accurate in the off hand again vials and spelled up, with enchants on armor)

4. Barbarian -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(NEVER backstab or Cleave one, if you do your probably going to die. They use any kind of weapon, just use the best one depending on the situation. Fury is a must during battle. You can use headbutt if you want to risk it, but i'd prolly just bash or disarm.)

5. Priest -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one, also what religions to watch out for when thinking on PK
(Excellent healers, Sanctuary on whomever is your tank, pet if solo fighting, scrolls for pet/FoD/Charm/other useful things, staves are really nice, a nice enchanted suit for when fighting spell casters, a scroll of ethereal form is nice for when your oponent is ethereal or if you get in trouble and need to escape.)

6. Paladin -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(Heavy armor, keep spells up, sanct is really important, can heal themselves, have great anti-evil spells(bog is beasty) stay mounted on a pet, or behind their pet if they are solo.)

7. Hellion -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(Heavy armor, Always start with a cleave in pk unless its a barbarian, prepare your weapon with poison, plague, weaken, curse before battle. Use hellfire, it hurts XD)

8. Shaman -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(Voodoo is beast, but has many drawbacks, so use it as little as possible and with knowledge of what your doing. Heals. Sanct and SA up at all times, staves)

9. Rogue -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(Bstab all but barbs, circle stab, hamstring if you wish to take out legs. Good at doing damage if not under attack of course, have to attack people with noone behind them so are excellent caster fighters. Are 1 hit machines. Scrolls!!! enchants, spelled up (gs, frenzy is a must))

10. Scout -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(Now have the strongest pets in the game! :P Also, ambush is great, camouflage, HERBS!!!, bows are Great, switch to spear quickly if pet is killed or almost dead, if dirted they arent as useful)

11. Bard -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(c major if fighting solo with a pet, f minor if no pet, SCROLLS, spelled up, B chord if no pet and they are a room away and noone else is near, if in group songs of sleep is LEET)

12. Sorcerer -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(MIRROR IMAGE, Spelled up charm with a nice weapon/armor, WANDS, spells and enchants are important...have eth scroll/wand ready, acid blast is beast, if there is alot petrification is really good for taking them out. you can always depet if you want their items :P)

13. Warlock -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(Elementals! Magma! Stone Skin! Wands!)

14. Necromancer -- Tips for PK'ing one, and using one
(LOTS OF ANIMATES! Wands/scrolls/staves, Eth if anyone that can 1 hit u is fighting you, have eth ready just in case, FoD = destroys elfs/lighties, Strongest Class By Far, Spell up undead and give them weapons, ENCHANTS ARE MAJOR)[/b]

That's it for classes.
Race next.

15. Human -- Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(Balanced stats and +3 for main, No weaknesses)

16. Half-Elf -- Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(weak vs iron, good vs charm pretty averaged out stats too)

17. Halfling --Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(good vs magic, bad vs blunt, can hide/sneak no matter the class, Small :()

18. Gnome -- Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(gets max WIS, Good int, Just all out good for casters, good vs magic, bad vs blunt, has detect burried(?), innate deep tongue, small)

19. Elf -- Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(master sneak, very good vs magic/charm, weak vs iron, ) negative energies, and sickness, not too good for melee, FoD Destroys them, low wis, high dex, Max Cha, Light only)

20. Deep-Elf --Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(same as elves, but also has faerie fire. but weak vs light, instead of nega-energies, Max INT, Dark only)

21. Dwarf --Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(Mastered Axe innate, Max Con, really strong and durable melee, detect buried, They are resistant to poison and disease but find
it quite difficult to swim, small, very strong and their endurance, toughness, and general
health are unsurpassed.)

22. Centaur --Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(good vs blunt, has kick innate, good vs cold, acid weak vs fire, horrible dex, ridable, large, excellent scouts)

23. Sprite --Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(gets max DEX, can fly innately, as well as faerie fire and fog, weak vs sickness, blunt, iron good vs magic/mental, excellent swashies and shamans, get fun talk XD Sprites resist regimentation and therefore cannot hold the alignments of principled, dogmatic or aberrant.)

24. Griffon -- Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(good vs cold, acid. immunity to sickness. good vs charm, no armor, not many enchants from lack of armor, very durable, ridable, light only, claws)

25. Giant -- Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(Max Str, good vs sickness. innate bash, and boulder throwing, weak vs mental attacks, very weak vs lightning, EXCELLENT Warriors, Not too great at any caster besides shaman, GIANT)

26. Minotaur --Is it worth choosing this race? What are they good at?
(innate gore, good vs magic/charm, weak vs energy/sonic this hard-headed race has an odd defense against charms
and mental attacks that also makes mind speech extremely difficult. Minotaurs resist regimentation and therefore cannot hold the alignments of principled, dogmatic or aberrant.)

:) Your Welcome

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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 9:01 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:01 pm
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Location: I'm in a glass case of emotion!
SK Character: Retired Troll
Here’s a post about sorcerers.

They get charm person, meaning two things:
1) You’ll have to deal with their GM barbs
2) You’ll have to deal with them charming you.

Sorcs are incredibly fragile, if you can manage to hit them, they’ll die. Unfortunately, any competent sorcerer will –always- have mirror image up, which is probably the best defensive spells in the game for a non-melee class. They’ll also be in the third row usually. They’ll be equipped with an etherealform wand or scroll, ready to go ethereal or word out if they see themselves taking damage.

Don’t even think of trying to fight a sorc if you don’t have a solid amount of willpower and fortitude. You’ll get charmed, put to sleep, or petrified right away via casting or scrolls.

In group pk, they can be devastating with color spray. It has a reflex save, which is a difficult enchantment to come by, and affects the entire group, with the potential of blinding them.

Sorcs have the potential to completely devastate groups that are ill-equipped. They are also capable of handling any other class solo, even when facing a well-equipped enemy.

So there is a list of reasons sorcs are dangerous. I also wrote a section on how to deal with having a sorc for an enemy, but promptly deleted it.

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PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 2:13 am 

Joined: Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:48 pm
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SK Character: Snuffles
Here's the thing, if you wanna learn how to PK, then the best way to go about it is to PK as often as possible. Sure, you'll die a helluva a lot but that's the best way to learn.

You can ask veteran players for advice to help you build your character, but eventually it will be up to your fast typing, quick reflexes and the ability to know the weaknesses and strengths of your class and your opponent's.

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PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 3:01 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 19, 2008 7:18 am
Posts: 149
Just know what you're up against and your ability. There are going to be some situations you simply cannot win and there will be some that you will win without blinking. Knowing something like how to kill a fire elemental or drop undead can be a lot more helpful in general because they aren't necessarily gear or level dependent. If you know that you can't circle stab for anything then don't rely on your circle stab. Use something you know will work.

Be careful diving into PK here. There are some people that will eat you alive while you're trying to learn and it can take a lot of fun out of the game very quickly.

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