Jada wrote:
I was there and it was a random RPless mass newbie killing. A pray has been sent up by me and answered. I will be sending a log of it to Dulrik as well. (If another IMM wishes the log, simply contact me.)
justokre, this isn't normal. There are rules against this and the person will be punished. I'm sorry this had to happen to you, but believe me I've been here for almost two years and I've only seen this one other time.
Well, the IMMs will certainly take the appropriate action (It is obviously up to them to determine these kind of things on a case by case basis), but you can also rest assured that lowbie/newbie killing needlessly is deeply frowned upon by the vast majority of the player base, and anyone who can find any RPed reason to kill these types of players will do so without any remorse.
In these situations, it is best to pray either ICly or OOCly about the matter, and try to stay calm as well as send logs to Achernar or another IMM (copy and paste the entire interaction without editing). After you do this, feel free to send tells to any character that you think might take offense to the act. This will get the proper authorities attention, give them the evidence they need to punish (should they decide to do so), and will also give PCs a chance to help you out.
Oh, and reincarnating is a heavy price to pay, and I would not advise doing so unless it is a dire situation, and I can't think of an example in which I would honestly use it other than being grand master with enough experience to keep my status. As others have said, ask a priest, and try your best to remain patient.
With all of that said, I'm glad to see new people coming to this game and very upset to hear when they are mistreated by foolish people who do not know how to play nice. Just to reassure you, we are not all like this (even the big, bad, mean dark auras or darkies
I'd also like to say that that is a terrible mode of thinking, Erevan. As rough as Teron is supposed to be, random spam killing of lowbies is against the spirit of the game, and such an attitude would only draw people away from the country and eventually the game. People can RP being cruel and heartless killers and still keep in mind that someone else is just trying to play as well. In fact, the diabolic (most evil) help file states that characters will be punished if they cannot be responsible, but that is probably best left to the current thread on the alignment.
While every newbie of SK should expect to end up dying to both PCs and NPCs, flippant and unwarranted attacks are not something SK should allow by avoiding.