I've never had trouble avoiding PK with any character when I've wanted to. However, there are, of course, considerations you must make in doing so, namely:
1) You will be associated with the crowd you run with and be held responsible for it- so be careful in choosing cabal/tribunal membership, as these will almost always bring you into PvP
2) You will be held responsible for your actions. If you want to avoid conflict, play a character who's not a smartass or obnoxious loudmouth.
In short, if you want to avoid PK, tailor a character who is designed to avoid it. If you want to cause ripples, expect to bleed for it.
I almost never allow my interaction with other players in-game to go OOC. I will either ignore the few times that other players do so, or will ask them to keep it in-character. The exceptions to this are new players who need help and a very few old players I've known & played with for years.
I find that priests make excellent first characters. People are very easy to meet and interact with as a priest. It's easy to find groups to travel with as everybody wants a healer around (though groups will always want a bard too- especially groups with casters). Priests garner a lot of favors and friendships by helping others with enchantments and resurrections. Nothing will earn you friends faster than the power to resurrect. The religious roleplay gives new players a built-in means for finding friends & benefactors to protect them, show them new places, acquire equipment, and to get tips, in addition to all the fantastic opportunities for religious rites & ceremonies, etc, etc.
I hope you enjoy SK.