In any case were two spells share the same sort of bonus, the more powerful bonus will override, and you will only recieve the more powerful bonus. If the weaker spell has any other affects that the more powerful spell does not, those affects will still affect the character.
So if you have two spells that affect your willpower save, willpower buff 1, and willpower buff 2, with WPB2 being the most powerful, if you already have WPB1 cast on you, and someone casts WPB2 on you, WPB1 will be totally overridden and you will only recieve the bonuses from WPB2.
If WPB1 happens to also slightly increase your reflex, and WPB2 does not, and someone casts WPB2 on you, while you are affected by WPB1, WPB2 will completely override the willpower bonus from WPB1, but you will still recieve the reflex bonus from WPB1.