Ilyana wrote:
The default background color of my client is black. Because of this I would have to highlight what they typed just to be able to read it. I doubt I'm the only one that has had this happen.
never understood why anybody would put up with using a mud client that didn't allow you to map $0 to a slightly lighter shade of gray than pitch black so as to be able to see it against your black background. People have tried to explain it to me, but to my mind it's a really deficiency, so I just can't comprehend why somebody would tolerate it.
That said, it is a fairly widespread problem, so if you do use colour codes, whether in communication, titles or descriptions, it's best to avoid $0 for foreground text, if only as a courtesy to our less advantaged peers
As for colour in communication? Best not to be too anal about these things. Personally, I have no issue with it, especially if used sensibly so that it contributes to the portrayal of your character and the message they're trying to put across, as opposed to distracts from it.
One of the things I've always enjoyed about SK is the liberty given to individual expression, at least within the contraints of the game mechanics. SK has always been an RP mud, but it's never been to up itself about it. Which is a good thing.