I haven't been here a year yet. And my friend, if he played here still, would of had over a year under his belt on this mud. He told me, since he was dark hearted, that he got PK'd and fully junked, on three seperate occasions, by the white hearted. No RP at all, even when he manifested. I don't think the PK is what got to him, it was the lack of this lush RP (Which is why I came here.). I might be a little ignorant to somethings, but to me.. how these things occur, seems like a catch 22. "You're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't."
But now that I think about it, I noticed some of the people who play here regularly, get offended by how rude a character is. They kill them, and say it would be better for the mud, with out them. My end thought? I think someone needs to grow up, and deal with it. Pick and choose your battles. If you are going to get bent, by how someone RPs, you yourself needs to look at it, in retrospect. You won't ever understand why they RP like that, or have the opportunity to help that indiviual grow here, and learn. IC and OOC are two different things aren't they? The way you think of RP, is going to be totally different from the next indiviual out there who thinks they know what RP is. Are there like RP sheriffs on here or something?