My favorite has been a human.
My least favorite has been a delf, 18 wis is deplorable.
Order lag is pretty much negligable, but sitting while holding a charm to do detects is utterly annoying. Actually, an age ticked human to get 24 int was the absolute best. 24 int, 21 wis, 21 charisma and slightly depreciated physicals.
Those were the days.
However, for someone just starting off would be able to very much appreciate the huge mana pool that is 25 wis of a gnome. It is invaluable for leveling, enchanting, spell spamming, et cetera. Rokshi could hold two charms and barely lose mana on a good tick, where Fepel could hold two charms and barely be able to do it for fifteen minutes without having a mana battery.
Gnome + pet + 2 charms + magical devices + mana battery = never ever
ever have to rest for mana while being a PVE powerhouse.