Is there any way to recall information about the quests you are currently undertaking?
Only thing you can really do is type 'quest' to see the names, nothing more.
If everyone in Pyrathia is telepathic, does that mean everyone can read my thoughts as well?
No, it just means you can use the "tell" and "reply" command to communicate with people at long distances in their minds. (also cb command, but that's for later on when you join a cabal or tribunal, it's a global IC channel for cabal/tribunal members to communicate with one another, coordinating attacks/defense/etc)
When playing a priest, is there a particular way to get into a religion? Is it purely rp, or can you just go to a shrine and devote?
You have to either find the High Follower of a religion (generally in their title in some way) and RP with them wanting to devote yourself to the God or if there are no high followers, go to a temple and use the Pray command with some sort of IC message trying to reach the god you want to serve, if there are any imms on they'll probably RP with you. You'll know if you're in a religion by typing Sc(ore) att(ribute) and seeing your religion.