VelvetWinter wrote:
Talon, Keepers and GoA could all use a boost - I think some more unique NPCs would be grand. Balacha, Lazaran, and the air elemental need some friends.
Truly, I feel as though the Druid + GoA / Talon + Fist / Keeper + Hammer should merge.
Hand and Crucible are fine as independent, evil organizations.
The only problem I have with mergers is the RP. Take for example fists and talon. The Talon are the guards of Nerina which is, from my understanding, a neutral city. They don't even have a death sentence in their jails unlike the other nations. Also, there have been darkies in the Talons. Hellions and such of order etc.
The fist however, is lightly only if I'm not mistaken. (Never had a fist character.) So that'd be a bit of a clash and would shift Nerina into a lightie only faction. I could see it working if they held true to Nerina's values and were open and welcoming etc..
The Guardians and Druids are a perfect fit. Although mostly composed of knights and stuff, from some debates, Ayomao was yet another neutral area. I think the two would be able to merge nicely, but what would shift the druids from their primary focus of balance? What would give them enough reason to want to protect Sith'A'Niel if their goal is balance in all things? How do the two collide?
Hammer and Peacekeepers, imo, should be merged. The two are simply the polar opposite of the MC, only not a cabunal as it should be. The fact that the Hammer of Light, Taslamar's military faction against the dark if I'm not mistaken (weren't they appointed by the Queen herself?) gets outlawed in their home city for even defending it against the dark. I find this a bit ridiculous. I've always viewed Taslamar and the Empire as two sides of a coin, much like the Hellions and Paladins. Both have their reasons for conquest etc.
Hand and Crucible, completley fine, but aye, that's my take on the factions merging.