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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 9:58 am 

Joined: Tue May 31, 2005 9:16 am
Posts: 1567
SK Character: NA - Inactive
ThunderWolf wrote:
dalamar wrote:
(well.... once he considered resurrecting Bain- in front of the Judge of Taslamar or Nerina, but ultimately decided against it). .

Really think twice about this course of action. A Priest within the Talons did this to a character, after the Talons were the ones that killed him. The Priest spent some time in Hell for it and an IMM told me to RP to fix it. Since when he was returned to life in front of the judge, we was immediately sent to jail. Thus instead of eventually banishing the character, I had to give him a Pardon to release him from jail, since he was sent there by dishonorable means. I wouldn't recommend this tactic at all.

Yes I know some character can get frustrating and they can even make life rough for your character on SK, but there are just some things that are in poor taste. I've also been punished for granting a pardon to a darkie and a priest he had deceived to regain life was with our judge to take what was stolen back. Needless to say I lost XP for it. *grumbles something about that damned Algorab* Hehe :lol: :P

Oh, I'm fully aware of the risks that this sort of thing poses. However, it was a purely viable roleplay question. The necromancer (Bain) requested the resurrection from me directly. I posed very deliberate questions to him ensuring that he was wanting me to pray for his resurrection, righteousness, and redemption. Like a good diabolic, he was skirting around the truth, unaware that my character knew who he was, knew his profession, and knew who had just killed him. If a darkie requests the resurrection, lies about it thinking he's going to pull a fast one, and then the lightie resurrects him somewhere specifically where he can be nabbed to serve his lawful sentence, then that would have been perfectly viable, and if any immortal had tried to nab me on that OOCly, I would have called them for the clueless punk they would've been.

The question that existed in my character's mind was whether or not Alshain would consider the course of action a righteous one or not. My character worried that he was taking a deceptive course, and so he waffled on it for a long time, asked the opinion of a paladin of truth before finally deciding against it. I was perfectly willing to roleplay a possible blemishment if the course of action had worked against my character- and that would have been fine with me. After all, he was an 18 year old kid and characters should have flaws, weaknesses, drawbacks.

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