Now I
might be wrong, but to get it working with sayto and tell, you're going to need to use an alias system outside of the Mud itself - Zmud, for example. You know they have an old version of their client available for free? Don't know if it has their alias system included, however.
The problem is you're wanting to alias the equivilient of
sayto {target} $3*winningly*$4 {la di da di da di da}$A
The problem is that you can't parse out the parameters fed into the alias into seperate variables in an SK alias, you are confined to using the parameters as a single, whole string, represented by &*.
So the best you could come up with would be
alias st sayto $3&*
Which would fail to work, because when you typed in "st Bob *smiling* Hello turnip" or whatever, it would parse out as "sayto $3Bob *smiling* Hello turnip" and the mud would smuggly inform you that $3Bob wasn't in the room.
With something like zmud you can parse out the parameters to seperate variables. So what you'd do to set the alias up is this:
#alias st sayto %1 $3*%2*$6 %-3$a
Then, when you typed "st Bert meanly You are a prig, sir!" Zmud would pass "sayto Bert $3*meanly*$6 You are a prig, sir!$a" and all would be well. You can't get that level of control out of the native SK alias system, sadly.