Shattered Kingdoms

My First "Mentor" - Please tell me this is not the
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Author:  Vanderman [ Mon Aug 15, 2005 5:23 am ]
Post subject:  My First "Mentor" - Please tell me this is not the

Wandered into starting kingdom, reading help files, learning a bit about the interface.

A mentor offers to aid me. ... hurrah!

To summarize our interaction:
He gave me stuff. I asked a brief OOC question, about why there was gear laying on the gorund here, if it was pvp. He commented that the imms must have checked me out to make sure I wasn't "one of his buds" ... else he couldnt "hook me up". Continuing to brag about how he doesnt like to RP, he just kills people "for their stuff".... be cause he is Diabolical.

That being said... I am NOT a mega RP type. I think a 60 minute drama about something non-action based is extremely tiring. I just enjoy "in-theme" style fighting and interaction, with some basic in-game purpose for actions. (I'm assuming SK fits that really well)

Is this individual like most of the population?

Author:  baldwama [ Mon Aug 15, 2005 5:28 am ]
Post subject: 

We've got all types from ultra RP to ultra Pk. Network and choose who you want to hang with and have some fun.

Author:  Benzo Balrog [ Mon Aug 15, 2005 5:30 am ]
Post subject: 

An ideal mentor will answer all your OOC and IC questions, plus the ones you wished you knew to ask. Sure, they should perhaps hook you up with a weapon (speeds training) but more so they should teach you the game mechanics.

You should feel free to send me PMs with any questions you have, though I won't be logging in game for a while as I'm at work.

Glad to have you aboard, and I can only hope you stay long enough to really get into the game.

Author:  Vanderman [ Mon Aug 15, 2005 5:43 am ]
Post subject: 

Does it not ruin the goal of the game if you have OOC people running around everyone ganking, and being "uber" with their little clan of friends?

The site promotes strict in character rules....

DId that change?

Author:  baldwama [ Mon Aug 15, 2005 5:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Those that refuse to RP at all tend to be ganked themselves, and learn the hard way. RPK is the way to go to not have everyone pissed at you, but there will always be a few that won't see it that way. You can also read through some of the messages in these forums and get an overall feel for the playerbase. I've met all types, those you love to hate and those you just hate for being lame as dirt. Also, those that become your best friends, of course. No matter what anybody tells you, there are some things you will have to learn on your own, so listen to everyone's advice, but make your own decisions on what you want to do.

Author:  Forsooth [ Mon Aug 15, 2005 6:33 am ]
Post subject: 

No, this isn't typical of this game's players. Roleplay is strongly encouraged here, even enforced where the immortals can do so. Besides, for those interested in pure PK, there are MUDs that serve them far better.

At the same time, roleplay here doesn't just mean endless talks at the inns, though some of us enjoy that. It often means joining a group that fights for some ideal. You might enjoy having a character in one of SK's cabals. However, each of these cabals is OOCly required to check that you roleplay reasonably well, before admitting you. If your "mentor" actually sneaked into a player group, I suspect he won't be there long.

Good luck on finding another mentor, one who will help you adapt to SK's in-character culture as well as provide mechanical assistance.

Author:  Vanderman [ Mon Aug 15, 2005 8:24 am ]
Post subject: 


Im glad to hear your reponses.

.... are there any kingdoms that tend to be the way of this mentor, or are they all balanced with good people

Author:  Adder [ Mon Aug 15, 2005 8:49 am ]
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This is definitely not the average mentor. Nowhere close to it. From what you've said i'd say that the guy is not only jaded and disillusioned but an [REDACTED] as well. I consider his behavior, especially towards a new player, to be completely inappropriate.

The majority of mentors will not be like him.

Author:  baldwama [ Mon Aug 15, 2005 8:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Read the website help files about the Realms, some are better for one Alignment than another. For instance, a necromancer showing up in Exile as a new student wouldn't be a very good idea.

As far as exactly where the good players are that play fairly, I've found them everywhere.

Author:  Forsooth [ Mon Aug 15, 2005 10:27 am ]
Post subject: 

.... are there any kingdoms that tend to be the way of this mentor, or are they all balanced with good people

Some kingdoms have more players than others, and you naturally have a better pick of mentors there. Just at the moment, I'd say Zhenshi is the most populous of the good-to-neutral realms. Neutral-to-evil I'm less sure about, but I'd venture the Bright Star Empire would be the best choice for a new player.

That said, I firmly agree with baldwana that the realm should be chosen with your character's backstory in mind. The cultures of the six kingdoms are very different. Which makes the best backdrop for your character? Where are you likely to find other compatible characters?

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