Now, I have no extended experience in the other Kingdoms, but I know for a fact that in Nerina it's really easy to pick up languages, as there are trainers that will teach you 5 languages (Uxmaln, Sylvan, Empire, Taslamaran, and Deep, I believe). A short walk from there, in Teron, you can learn Firmyrn. Luckily, I was able to get a mentor to teach me Aghelian, thus rounding up everything nicely to Very Good, one tick away from Superb. It may seem like a waste of XP, but my character's father was a scholar, and doing IC things that seem OOC useless is just what I have to do to keep my character true to his nature (On a recent attack on Nerina by what I think where Imperials, after my MENTOR, read, person who is much more experienced than I, with equips, got killed, my char, Initiate Griffon, went over to his place of death to try to settle things. Yea, I died in 2 rounds XD). Straying from my point no further, I think that if you can't find the trainers for the languages you want to speak, a mentor would probably be a good source of 'em.