Shattered Kingdoms

Noob PK question
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Author:  Leri [ Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Noob PK question

Is a newbie/noob allowed to attack another newbie/noob, when the first amateur levels have been passed?

I'm thinking of a situation where the other cons as a a perfect match or higher, and a context where anything less than an attack would be chosen purely for OOC reasons. (in this case enmity; argument between elf and deep-elf).

Author:  Muktar [ Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

I would initially say no because at those levels one should really only be in the newbie school. Although, there is no strict rule about it except that one should (but not forced) to not kill newbs. I know when I was the Knight Marshal, every once in a while a dark-elf would pop up in the newb school of ayamao and an elf would pop up in the newb school in the Empire. I would tell someone of the Kingdom then let them handle it.

Author:  Dark-Avenger [ Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

No matter the level, you can PK anyone if you are given reasons to.

Else any player could roll a lowbie and run around, mouthing off to GMs. News flash for him, you don't do that unless you want you get your [REDACTED] kicked.

At same (low) level PK is acceptable, and there were many instances I've PKed others who interfered with my chars so I had to stop my plvling only to solve this.

PS: If you don't want to be involved in a fight and keep the emnity, snarl and leave the area.

Author:  Guest [ Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

I say kill the fool. He's obviously doing something wrong like being an elf in the presence of a deep-elf. And furthermore if RP dictates it then take your chances on killing them.

Author:  Leri [ Wed Nov 09, 2005 11:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well I know I wouldnt attack a noob if I wasnt one myself - I would stun and rp it out.

The situation was more of a principled nature though. I just wondered if the 'dont kill noobs'-rule was a "dont kill noobs, ever" rule or a "dont kill anyone 20 levels below you" rule.

If that makes any sense.

Author:  Ilyana [ Thu Nov 10, 2005 2:20 am ]
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With something like that, no a GM elf/delf shouldn't kill a level 1 of the opposite race. There are many ways to show enmity without PK. As was mentioned you can simply snarl and walk away. You can also throw insults, make threats and so on, none of which would physically harm a newbie. Auto-newbie protects amateurs, but people are considered new well beyond that. Personally I won't kill anybody under expert (providing I'm the higher level) unless they start the fight. Then they get killed for being an idiot.

When somebody of low enough level is killed by somebody massively higher without reason the IMMs will punish the higher level character. There have been numerous instances of people plvling and then roaming newbie leveling areas like the outpost, shantytown, and other places just so they can kill lower level characters. These instances, from what I have seen, usually result in the deletion of the character(s) doing the killing.

Author:  Leri [ Thu Nov 10, 2005 3:16 am ]
Post subject: 

I understand this. My question concerns two lowbie characters, not one high and one low.

Author:  Pushing40 [ Thu Nov 10, 2005 4:07 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm not sure but I don't believe any amateurs can PK. While not exactly proper for RP involvements at that level, it would serve to prevent someone from being a total jerk to other newbs or causing upper level chars to become "wanted". As far as novices getting involved in PK, I'd strongly suggest an RP way out of things without the PK if only to prevent a rash of novices doing what certain amateurs were doing previously. If it must be, have a rock-solid reason for the PK beyond HELP ENMITY.

Remember, at those low levels some new players can be real hemorrhoids until they get the hang of things.

Author:  ThunderWolf [ Thu Nov 10, 2005 5:41 am ]
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I'd say try to RP something first and if it doesn't go well attack each other to your hearts content. :lol:

Now for Higher vs Lower, I'd rp something out. For instance had a young Necro pop up in Nerina's Proving Grounds, well a Necro in Nerina, just isn't gonna fly RP-wise, so I contacted the Northern Wastes and asked if they would be willing to immigrate him as he really wasn't wanted in Nerina. Then even escorted him as far as I could go, was wanted at the time, and then told him how to get the rest of the way there on his own.

In either case use the opportunity to at least try to do some RP, it can be more fun, then if it just deteriorates into a [REDACTED] fest, as some of them should, then definately try to PK one another. 8)

Author:  Achernar [ Thu Nov 10, 2005 6:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Mode stun is your friend. Stunning a newbie is always a better option than killing them, regardless of your level. There are no rules saying you cannot initiate PvP at a low level. Just make sure that is your last option.


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