My first post!
I've been looking at the help files for communication but I can't find anything about this. In other MUDs, I've seen a command called 'mutter' or 'whisper' that lets you say stuff to a person/group of persons semi-privately. For example, if I type:
whisper Bob blah blah and blah
Bob sees: thunder whispers to you, "blah blah and blah"
Everyone else sees: thunder whispers to Bob, "blah ... ... blah" (or some other combination of real words and ...)
Is it possible using the commands in this MUD, or am I limited to 'tell' if I want to say something privately? At first I thought that 'sayto' here worked like this, but I just read that it "directs the comment to one player in particular, though all players awake will still see it". So if I'm RPing with A and B and I want to whisper something just to A, how do I do it so that B can have a chance of overhearing it?
Thanks in advance!