You also need to watch out for the parsing Zmud does - certain characters are "interpretted" by the client as instructions to it rather than the Mud so do things to Zmud instead of SK.
For example, if you were to set up an alias within SK to "get food, eat food" you'd type something like the following:
alias grub take food backpack;eat food
However the Zmud parser interprets the semi-colon as an instruction
to it to split the command, so you end up with the alias of "grub" getting set to just "take food backpack" and then directly executing "eat food". SK will probably tell you you don't have the food in your inventory, which isn't a huge disaster, but if you were instead setting up the getting and quaffing of a potion, the zapping of a wand or the brandishing of a staff the result could be somewhat more inconvenient.
The solution is to use the tilde character to instruct Zmud to not parse the semi-colon in this instance. So what you'd actually type is:
alias grub get food backpack~;eat food
The other special Zmud character you're likely to run into is "." when giving the description editor instructions. Again, prefix the fullstop with the tilde character, so rather than typing
.c to clear an existing description, for example, you'd type
Zmud is a great Mud client once you get used to its little quirks. I'm particularly fond of the automapper. Incidently, if you get as far as using it and get frustrated that it doesn't automatically map when you pass through a portal (the crack in the wall in Morea, for example) the trick is to prefix the portal command with a chevron, so you'd type
>crack to both pass through the crack in the wall and have the automapper map it for you.
The other thing you'll want to do if you get to playing with the automapper is to trigger the Zmud "NODIR" command on the Mud reporting doors being closed or your not being able to go in a certain direction.
The other handy utility is the text editor, which you bring up by hitting Ctrl, Shift and Enter together. You then type in your character description or sequence of commands, and hit Ctrl, Shift and Enter to send them directly into the Mud. I used to find it invaluable for building, especially once I'd configured it with the Ansi colour codes, but it's also really handy for writing character descriptions or notes on the mud.
Anyway, enough of my rambling. Enjoy. And don't be afraid of Zmud's helpfile, it's fairly comprehensive and generally pretty clear. That said, if you get stuck on anything specific, ask. Somebody else has probably already been there