Shattered Kingdoms |
Area Data |
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Author: | Giel [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:21 pm ] |
Post subject: | Area Data |
Hi again, When I type Area Ayamao I get this data for areas within my abilities: Areas within range of your level: [Ama to Mas] Village of Elisair in Ayamaoan Alliance. [Nov to Exp] Grahme Village in Ayamaoan Alliance. [Nov to App] Ayamaoan Outpost in Ayamaoan Alliance. [Ama to Ama] The Pens in Ayamaoan Alliance. [Ama to Gra] Sith'a'niel in Ayamaoan Alliance. What is the meaning of the terms in the square brackets, and is there some way for me to get the coordinates for these areas, so I can find them with my sextant? PS I have found all but the Grahme village, but now I want to move beyond these. |
Author: | wortsenawl [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:29 pm ] |
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The terms in brackets relate to the level range (status) that the area is useful to. Nov - Novice App - Apprentice Mas - Master See help status for the full list. Beware, the list is horribly deceptive, so always tread with caution on your early visits / training attempts. |
Author: | Goldlantern [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:30 pm ] |
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*sigh* I love noob questions. They're so innocent. The info in the brackets are not coordinates, but reccommended level ranges. Ama =amatuer nov=novice exp=expert app=apprentice mas=master gra=grandmaster Coordinates for some areas may be listed in books, but in most cases, you'll need to obtain the information yourself, and then log it down for future memory. If you're looking for other areas, try area (other country) or area all. |
Author: | Grakus [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:30 pm ] |
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They mean what level of mobiles are located in the area and where would be appropriate for you to travel to. Obviously if it says Men to Mas, that means the zone is for mentor to master level characters. |
Author: | Giel [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:57 pm ] |
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Thanks! Next question: Why am I often the only one on the who list with my race and class listed, and [none] before my name? |
Author: | ObjectivistActivist [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 5:17 pm ] |
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Giel wrote: Thanks!
Next question: Why am I often the only one on the who list with my race and class listed, and [none] before my name? The race is because there are few people who have greeted you. The class could either be because people choose to leave it hidden, or you haven't been greeted by them. The [none] is because you are not a member of a cabal or tribunal. |
Author: | meztiso [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 7:08 pm ] |
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Umm... Noob question on a similar topice..... How do you keep others from knowing your class when you greet them??? |
Author: | werttrew [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 7:12 pm ] |
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Type auto greet to toggle it off or on. <Edit: Er, ignore me. Goldlantern has the right answer.> |
Author: | Goldlantern [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 7:12 pm ] |
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auto anonymity. Type Auto, without an argument, and you'll see a full list of stuff you can toggle. Edit: Nuts. Wert edited his post, so I had to edit mine too Edit2: No I don't! I'm right! He's wrong! La la la la laaaaaaa. (This brief moment of immaturity has been brought by a lack of snickers. Got one? I don't. ) |
Author: | teh1337n00b [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 11:51 pm ] |
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Keep in mind this critical factor. Several if not most of the areas listed for training include cities with monsters/npc's of the same alignment as you. So a good char would not kill good NPCs for XP. Further, in most of these areas you risk being outlawed in that kingdom. So like it has been said before, tread carefully. Another thing to keep in mind, which I will explain in detail is that with greet command, you get to see the name of the character instead of their chosen adjective when you meet them. This, on the who list will provide you with their race, and class if they have not toggled auto anonymous on. The [none] as mentioned before is cabal or tribunal affiliation. You will always see [none] unless you are a member of a cabal or tribunal, in which case you will see your tag there, examples are [FIST] [HAMMER] [ADEPT] etc. If you are a member of a religion or a cabal, you can also try typing who religion or who cabal. Examples: A truth disciple typing who religion would see any Truth disciples currently logged on. A fist typing who fist will see all fists currently logged on. Hope this helped some. |
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