The damage of your talons increases with your level. However, your access to better weapons also increases with level, and you also gain access to more weapon-only skills, such as Second Attack. The crossover point depends on your level and class. Generally speaking, the better your class can fight, the sooner you want to switch. (Though as noted in the previous advice, sometimes talons are better, for certain foes.)
Starting out with mastered self-defense is fantastic in the early levels. I wouldn't bother with weapons until you either:
1) get Second Attack, Shield Block, or some similar skill that makes weapons worthwhile or
2) get to Apprentice, at which point in time practicing your Amateur-level skills starts making sense. (The greater your level compared to the learn-level, the more likely you'll improve your skill.)
In general, two-handed weapons make better use of your strength. Unless you find something special, one-handed weapons are for working with Shield Block, when tanking is more important than damage. Most light weapons (daggers, staffs) are inferior to your claws unless they do something special. For example, there's a set of griffon throwing-daggers that either lets you fight from the third row, or mix dagger-throws in with your claw attacks.