If you are struggling to find a class to play, priests are certainly needed. You are never lacking in roleplay, there are immense opportunities to be taken all over the game and learn lots of neat tricks, and you can gain experience through casting spells.
Your armor restrictions are based on what faith you join.
And simply put, we need a lot more priests, because I feel like a rezz [REDACTED].
Thank you!
P.S. All KDs should put the book of ALL GODS in their newbie school in the native tongue for more people to see. It was created for the new players more than anyone else.
P.S.S. Sargas needs an entry because Cannibal dropped the ball.
P.S.S. Yes, I am blaming him and not Algorab!
P.S.S.S. Priests are fun! Priests always have something to do! Priests can PK or they can be pacifists!