Shattered Kingdoms

Osay/OOC Command?
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Author:  jackal [ Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Osay/OOC Command?

It has been a while since I've played a MUD like SK (I usually MUSH instead), and I am surprised that I haven't been able to find an 'ooc say/osay' or 'ooc' command. What is done, then, to mark necessary OOC communication (such as asking for immediate help on a command, making emergency AFKs, or correcting sense-scrambling typos) so as not to interrupt the IC flow of the scene? I've tried 'say ooc' but that doesn't change the text appearance of the 'say' text.

Author:  theDrifter [ Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

We just preface the OOC communication with "OOC" in says or tells. I don't know why you would need a special command for this.

Author:  Achernar [ Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

The preface with OOC is the assumed mud-wide abbreviation for OOC and that's all we will accept. Even using OOC at length in says is probably not the most desirable. Keep the OOC chat to gtells and tells for best results. One of the selling points of SK (IMNSHO) is that is free from global or OOC channels. I'd be okay if you prayed to ask how something works, very often a staffer can answer those kinds of questions.

Author:  jackal [ Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Achernar wrote:
The preface with OOC is the assumed mud-wide abbreviation for OOC and that's all we will accept. Even using OOC at length in says is probably not the most desirable. Keep the OOC chat to gtells and tells for best results. One of the selling points of SK (IMNSHO) is that is free from global or OOC channels. I'd be okay if you prayed to ask how something works, very often a staffer can answer those kinds of questions.

Ah. Alright, but honestly the MUDs I've visited that ended up having the most OOC conversation in playing areas were those that did not provide a way of designating communication as OOC. They also have tended to be the MUDs on which more IC information was passed by means of off-game OOC channels.

As for pray as an option, I've done that during a peak playing time and gotten no response. Thanks for the quick on here, though!

Author:  Muktar [ Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

I kinda feel it will make the person think twice about going OOC. If there was some simple way to say something OOCly, it would become more and more used and IMO would ruin the game.

Author:  Viltrax [ Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Remember there is always the MENTOR command when asking for help as a newbie. That way those who respond to help you can give you some RP practice by telling you how to play in-character, as well as using the TELL command to give you some tips out-of-character.

The biggest reason we discourage world-, area-, or room-wide OOC text is because it often disrupts the roleplay mood for others. So while a brief TELL to someone you know with a specific question might be understandable, using the YELL command with an OOC prefix would be rather bad form for any player.

Lastly, the glossary is very useful for learning details of the more common acronyms when playing Shattered Kingdoms.

Author:  STFU_KTHX [ Sat Jan 12, 2008 9:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ive seen osay and OOC used in muds, what I saw, was people chatting and no RP. Lets not turn SK into a chat room.

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