Shattered Kingdoms

Useless Junk!
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Author:  LSDAnonymous [ Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:19 am ]
Post subject:  Useless Junk!

Yep... Having trouble sleeping the last few nights so tonight is question night on the forums! Yay!

I was wondering what most your thoughts were on junking loot. IC I see a reason for it because it slows your enemy down on retaliation. OOC I feel bad. I know. I know... I'm too nice.

I do not pk on my own much, BUT if I was uber I would probably keep what is valuable, leave the rest to rot in the corpse. Is this dumb because everyone will just junk me?

Who junks?

Who picks at the corpse?

Who does both?

Who is nicer then me and leaves it all?

Just curious what the general consensus is on this.

Author:  Gilgon [ Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:23 am ]
Post subject: 

I haven't butcher/skin'd junk'd all on a character in ages. Now that my main is a scout again I might repeat it, but I still think I will be taking everything, sorting over the good [REDACTED] later, and then junking it.

As can still be found in old threads - not junking someone has always been a sign of Ic and OOC disrespect in my eyes.

Author:  LSDAnonymous [ Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:35 am ]
Post subject: 

Gilgon wrote:
not junking someone has always been a sign of Ic and OOC disrespect in my eyes.

You kinda talking about playing ooc favorites? Not sure if I got that last part.

I guess thinking about it, IC it makes perfect sense to take it all, sort it, and junk it. Leaving armor, weapons, coin, and items in your enemies hands can be dangerous. Taking the time on the battle field is asking for someone to come gank you.

Author:  Gilgon [ Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:43 am ]
Post subject: 

LSDAnonymous wrote:
Gilgon wrote:
not junking someone has always been a sign of Ic and OOC disrespect in my eyes.

You kinda talking about playing ooc favorites? Not sure if I got that last part.

I guess thinking about it, IC it makes perfect sense to take it all, sort it, and junk it. Leaving armor, weapons, coin, and items in your enemies hands can be dangerous. Taking the time on the battle field is asking for someone to come gank you.

I have played pk muds without any roleplay far more than I have played Shattered Kingdoms, so much of my experience comes from there. If you gank someone and leave their eq in a mud it's the equivalent of laughing at how [REDACTED] what they own is and saying you could gank them again for it if you ever decide you want it.

Author:  Threnody [ Tue Jul 29, 2008 7:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Why is this in newbie help?

This is hypothetical, since I'd manage to botch pking a link-dead naked lowbie, I'm quite sure. But I'm for taking the valuables and leaving the rest.

Your theory of respect works in an all-out pk mud, Gilgon. But just like you need reasons to pk here, showing respect works differently also.

I hate-hate-hate-hate when folks do a full junk. If all you're running around with is armor and weapons and basic supplies, I wouldn't care. But that makes the possibility of carrying RP props nigh well impossible. If the enemy steals, at least you can beg/borrow/plot fruitless revenge. If the enemy junks...[/rant]

Author:  Lakir [ Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:12 am ]
Post subject: 

Is anyone else tired of hearing Gilgon compare SK to other PK only muds?

Author:  Tirn [ Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:30 am ]
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It actually explains a lot about his actions.

Author:  JavaMonkey [ Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:24 am ]
Post subject: 

PK is mean!

... and I suck horribly at it. :P

Author:  sleeper [ Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gilgon wrote:
As can still be found in old threads - not junking someone has always been a sign of Ic and OOC disrespect in my eyes.

IMO, it's a sign of courtesy. There are exceptions I make to junking people, but in general, I don't. The reasons are short and simple. From my vantage point, there are enough people who won't come back right away and try to kill you since they're armored and ready to go. And since they know they'll likely get their stuff back if they loose, said people are more likely to fight when the match is more even.

I've also found they're usually more willing to *gasp* RPee *gasp* with you. Oh, and guess what? Lots of characters who added a lot to the MUD with their unique character were burned out from all the jlooting...

Edit: I'm not against taking limited/rare items, and I fully expect those to be taken from me when I'm killed. It's the not-so-rare or not-so-special items that get taken which irritate me...


Author:  The Mighty Fluffball [ Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

It really depends on whom you're fighting, doesn't it? I mean, if I abso-friggin-lutely hate your guts, then I'm going to steal everything you have, stick in on a life-sized manikin with your face, and cut the damn thing to shreds while cackling gleefully. If we're respectful enemies, then I might take only what I need, depending on how bad I need it, or I might leave your things alone entirely. If I just needed you dead, then if there's something on your corpse that I killed you for, I'll take it, but otherwise odds are I'll leave it alone.

Naturally, this is all based on my own fantasies of PK. I'm pretty sure that the only time I ever solo-PKed a GM was the time that Navelic tried to punch me into oblivion over T-ron.

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