Shattered Kingdoms

Song xp question
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Author:  Muktar [ Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Song xp question

So, suppose that there are 2 bards singing songs of death to take out a bunch of NPCs. Who gets the xp, or is it split, or something else?

Author:  Seraphiction [ Sun Sep 14, 2008 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Song xp question

Muktar wrote:
So, suppose that there are 2 bards singing songs of death to take out a bunch of NPCs. Who gets the xp, or is it split, or something else?

Both from what I can tell, since it stems from successful use of the song.

Author:  Konge [ Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Rule of thumb is that damage equals XP - so I cannot honestly tell you a definitive answer. As for Seraphiction, I am unsure whether songs grant xp for each line - frankly, I doubt it. I can, however, state that it is not that simple - not just because the same rule of a single line for two persons applies, but also because the damage part of the xp is still unresolved.

Author:  Muktar [ Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

I know for sure that you get xp for each line (Dance of death in a highly populated room behind a tank == Massive amounts of xp). I am just curious on how the xp works for 2 or more bards.

[edit] Let me rephrase. Not each line, but each line of dmg.

Author:  Konge [ Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Aye, I was merely wondering whether each line of, say, songs of sleep would yield XP similar to casting a spell of protection, for instance. I do understand the predicament when being a duo or more of bards - but as I said, I cannot offer a final answer. The logical thing would, of course, be a 50/50 split, but sometimes things do not quite work the logical way.

I guess it's time for an answer from some IMM with a more profound understanding of the mechanics behind duos.

Author:  juggernaut [ Mon Sep 15, 2008 12:30 am ]
Post subject: 

According to how songs are supposed to work, this is what I think that happens:

Each bard gets as much exp he would get if he sang songs of death on his own (perhaps a little extra too because he is in a group). That would be a very small amount of course, like when a caster gains exp from casting spells.

Also, both (or all bards) in a duo (trio etc) split the exp that comes from the damage caused by the song.

Author:  ObjectivistActivist [ Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Konge wrote:
As for Seraphiction, I am unsure whether songs grant xp for each line - frankly, I doubt it.

Konge wrote:
I was merely wondering whether each line of, say, songs of sleep would yield XP similar to casting a spell of protection, for instance.

They do, and it will. It's slightly different than casting spells in that you seem to have to actually affect someone with the song for it to give exps. Like, singing songs of sleep in the middle of nowhere might yield a very, very small amount of exp, but singing songs of sleep in an out of the way room in a city where there are lots of NPCs to be affected will give you significantly more.

The same is true for songs of dancing, silence, etc. What I've also noticed, and what would generally seem to be common sense, is that the higher level the song, the more exps you get. So singing a high level song in a room with 10-20 NPCs will yield significant amounts of exp.

I'm still unsure whether this is capped or not, as spell-casting exp is, because technically it's a combat "spell," it's just non-aggro.

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