Shattered Kingdoms

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Author:  drekilyn [ Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:05 pm ]
Post subject:  sorc

sup guys.. I just started my first sorc. I'm looking for some tips on how to level and play smoothly.. I'm too use to fighters. Thanks!

Author:  Forsooth [ Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Do use the mentor command to attract the attention of capable IC guides.

Aside from that, the biggest difference between playing a fighter and playing a mage is that you're using the spell system for your damage. The second biggest is that you want to keep behind a pet or other companion as soon as you take on serious targets (i.e. outside the training schools.)

* Do practice your key damage spell "magic missile".
* Also practice "wands". Every time you use the "outfit" command while still in the Amateur levels, you get a new wand. Just remember to equip it, and to junk the old one before using "outfit" again.
* Learn to time your spells. If you're concentrating during a round of physical attacks, you get no attack. The time will come when spamming spells maximizes your efficiency, but you probably aren't there yet.
* Your key stat to train is intelligence, which limits the number and power of spells you can maintain at once. Charisma would be my second choice, but that's a matter of opinion.
* Don't learn a bunch of spells you won't use in the early levels. The way to maximize your levelling speed is to learn only the new spells that will help you immmediately. Come back when you're 5-10 levels above the spell; then it's easy to give up that much experience.

Author:  drekilyn [ Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

a friend told me that you get decent exp from enchanting.. but then I heard that it got lowered dramatically. Is that true?

Author:  suzie9fingers [ Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

There is a cap on non-combat EXP per day. The actual EXP wasn't nerfed, but you aren't able to just sit there and spam for 8 hours now.

Author:  ladyjennbo [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:28 am ]
Post subject: 

After your int and wis are maxed, go for cha and art. There's a matter of opinion on how much art a sorc should train, but I can help you based on your race.

My character, Faerti, is a sorcerer in the game. Feel free to contact her IC - she loves helping people with magic. :)

Author:  sleeper [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:48 am ]
Post subject: 

drekilyn wrote:
a friend told me that you get decent exp from enchanting.. but then I heard that it got lowered dramatically. Is that true?

You do get good experience. I don't think those numbers have changed. I think the amount of experience per level has changed for all the levels you can use enchant armor.

But, to put it in perspective, my character easily GMed off enchant armor/weapon. So, if you ever don't feel like leveling, pick up something and enchant away. :wink:


Author:  ninja_ardith [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Forsooth wrote:
Do use the mentor command to attract the attention of capable IC guides.

Aside from that, the biggest difference between playing a fighter and playing a mage is that you're using the spell system for your damage. The second biggest is that you want to keep behind a pet or other companion as soon as you take on serious targets (i.e. outside the training schools.)

* Do practice your key damage spell "magic missile".
* Also practice "wands". Every time you use the "outfit" command while still in the Amateur levels, you get a new wand. Just remember to equip it, and to junk the old one before using "outfit" again.
* Learn to time your spells. If you're concentrating during a round of physical attacks, you get no attack. The time will come when spamming spells maximizes your efficiency, but you probably aren't there yet.
* Your key stat to train is intelligence, which limits the number and power of spells you can maintain at once. Charisma would be my second choice, but that's a matter of opinion.
* Don't learn a bunch of spells you won't use in the early levels. The way to maximize your levelling speed is to learn only the new spells that will help you immmediately. Come back when you're 5-10 levels above the spell; then it's easy to give up that much experience.

Max out your wisdom first, then just spam magic missile. Only magic missile. It is the the best thing for leveling outside of fireball+<adhesive medical strip>. This spell are broken.

Author:  Tetra [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:19 am ]
Post subject: 

drekilyn wrote:
a friend told me that you get decent exp from enchanting.. but then I heard that it got lowered dramatically. Is that true?

You can also scribe for some nice experience. Enchanting can be cheaper, but at times you may find yourself with a scribing need or job that can yield some nice experience and provide an enchanting break.

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