Shattered Kingdoms

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Author:  Tiadora [ Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Quests

I just noticed the other day that I have been asked/sent on various quests. How do you figure out what items have been asked for? I have tried to talk to some of the characters again, yet I can not get anything from them. Is the only time to recieve that information in the initial conversation? Also, how do you complete a task, i.e. where do you find the items. Just throughtout the duriation of your gameplay? Is there a time limit to a quest? Thank you for any information you can give. :D

Author:  Ain (2012) [ Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

There's no time limit on quests - if you notice when you type quest, the tasks are numbered - type quest and the number, and you'll see a short blurb on what you've been asked to do ( in theory) if you think they're too vague, please idea log it, and we'll see about clarifying or adding a brushup to that.

Sometimes you'll find quest items in random places, sometimes you'll be asked to kill something, or the like. If you're a priest, the locate spell helps. If not...asking someone to do it helps as well.

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