Shattered Kingdoms

I wanna Backstab too!
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Author:  laeZ1 [ Wed May 06, 2009 7:54 am ]
Post subject:  I wanna Backstab too!

Rogues can backstab, and they can do it well, we all know this.

I've seen about ten attempts of other classes backstabing, and it never works (they almost cut their own finger off), unless the target is asleep.

Is there a chance that it will work? and if you do it to a sleeping target, does it help?

Thanks, everyone!

Author:  Dexity [ Wed May 06, 2009 7:57 am ]
Post subject: 

yea you can use the BS command with anyclass, but it will only work if you are a rogue! no one else needs BS it can be quite a annoying thing...

Author:  josephusmaximus3 [ Wed May 06, 2009 8:09 am ]
Post subject: 

It always lands i think when they are asleep.

I have often pondered a giant shaman using sleep and backstabbing someone.

Author:  WickedWitch [ Wed May 06, 2009 8:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Anybody can backstab a sleeping target.

Author:  laeZ1 [ Wed May 06, 2009 8:26 am ]
Post subject: 

And it's as strong as if you were a rogue?

Author:  JeanValjean [ Wed May 06, 2009 8:27 am ]
Post subject: 

josephusmaximus3 wrote:
It always lands i think when they are asleep.

I have often pondered a giant shaman using sleep and backstabbing someone.

You cannot backstab targets put to sleep by magical means.

Author:  ObjectivistActivist [ Wed May 06, 2009 8:32 am ]
Post subject: 

laeZ1 wrote:
And it's as strong as if you were a rogue?

Yes, but you can't get a second backstab attack as a non-rogue.

Author:  Carsetius [ Wed May 06, 2009 8:50 am ]
Post subject: 

I think that this begs the question: Does a rogue who bs a sleeping target, does it do more damage?

Author:  josephusmaximus3 [ Wed May 06, 2009 9:16 am ]
Post subject: 

If you attack a sleeping person, will your first attack do more damage?
Backstab is really just a damage modifier I believe from what Big D has stated. So it takes a hit and multiplies it by some number. So if a target sleeping does more damage, then i imagine bs would. Also if they woke up before the second bs, or after might be interesting to note.

At least im pretty sure they can't dodge or parry while asleep.

Author:  ninja_ardith [ Wed May 06, 2009 9:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Carsetius wrote:
I think that this begs the question: Does a rogue who bs a sleeping target, does it do more damage?

Who cares, backstab does enough damage on its own to drop victims without them resting or sleeping. Technically it does do more damage but you're not likely to really care because the second backstab will drop the victim in 99% of cases.

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