yeah because she was really asking for advice on other mudclients, dickwads.
i'm sure there's a time delay command in there, but i have no idea what it is. if you can find it, all you'd need to do would be to insert that in between each line. here's all the other suggestions i have.
1) macros. this is a little complicated, but you can create a macro (a designated button that automatically inputs a command of your choice) that cycles through a series of aliases you create. for example:
you set "~" to be your key for the macro. you create "alias 1" for "emote takes a deep breath", "alias 2" for "emote sings 'love is a battlefield'", etc.. you set the macro to input alias 1, and then you have a trigger that increments the alias it's inputting, so that next time you press "~", it inputs alias 2, then alias 3, etc.. this way, you control the pacing and you can have it all prepared without worrying about copy-pasting errors.
2) copy paste. write the whole song in notepad in the exact form you're going to type it into sk ("emote sings 'love is a battlefield'") and just copy each line as you're singing it. this is what i do. i like to save the stuff i write anyways, and it's less hassle than creating a bunch of triggers and [REDACTED]. as an aside, this is also how i write all of my notes and descriptions, as you can set the window width to be exactly how wide sk's formatting is. when you turn on word wrap and then save, it inserts line breaks for you, making unique formatting (particularly for notes) really easy.
3) bootleg. insert dummy commands (like " ; ; ; ; ;") in between each line. you'd have to do a ton of them, and it wouldn't be pretty. not recommended, but it will work.
Last edited by Salandarin on Tue May 19, 2009 11:51 am, edited 1 time in total.