Gimu wrote:
I am new to this game and I want to play a priest based on what my friend has told me about them. I am looking for suggestions on race and where I should put my ability points / when or what I should get training in. Just some general priest tips would help, I plan to walk the gray line but I am unsure of what God I want to follow. I know I want to get into player vs player combat.
I don't want to play a halfling or a gnome, I was thinking just playing a human for my race since they are pretty balanced so I've heard.
A human grey priest is a great place to start to get the feel of this game. But grey-auraed priests tend not to be tanks in PVP, so be aware of that - you'll probably just be an (important) asset in group combat. You won't be able to take on many classes 1 on 1. Always have a pet in the front!
Everyone who suggested WIS, INT, and MANA in that order is right. CHA can't hurt, but I certainly wouldn't max it - just makes leveling a bit easier at the front end. If you have leftover points, I also like ART and CON for priests.
Creating a priest without a defined immortal in mind can be a lot of fun, too. Exploring your character and finding out which religion you want to be a part of can really form your character's role play.
My character is Menkh, if you see her around on the WHO list. She can help you out with your spell and skill set.