Shattered Kingdoms

Paragon Question
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Author:  Forsakenwolf [ Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Paragon Question


I feel funny as I am a Paragon and should be knowledgeable. In December I became Paragon which I was shocked and honored in getting. Although I didn't get any awards as a Paragon because my Roleplaying been a bit lacking (or attention span due to the holidays). In January I find that I am still the Paragon even though I had not received a single award in December?

-Player of Iria

Author:  juggernaut [ Mon Jan 03, 2011 2:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paragon Question

Perhaps you still have highest enilights in your class, and I am sure it has also to do with Paragon activity, thus the rewards you have given out yourself while being a paragon.

Author:  Forsakenwolf [ Mon Jan 03, 2011 2:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paragon Question

juggernaut wrote:
Perhaps you still have highest enilights in your class, and I am sure it has also to do with Paragon activity, thus the rewards you have given out yourself while being a paragon.

Well I am not sure about for "Class" as I thought I saw at least 2-3 more priest who are paragons? I do not mind continuing as a Paragon, it was just struck me as odd.

Author:  -Johnix- [ Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paragon Question

Juggs forgot that it doesn't have to do with the class anymore. You just have the hours required to keep the flag and your rewards are enough for your character to be in the first 13(?) of the pbase. If these two remain true till next reboot and you keep rewarding you will keep the flag. Also you didn't get any rewards as a paragon because it is not recommended to reward the paragons. Check the help file.

ps: I like your name. A friend of mine is called Iria irl. :D

Author:  Forsakenwolf [ Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paragon Question

-Johnix- wrote:
Juggs forgot that it doesn't have to do with the class anymore. You just have the hours required to keep the flag and your rewards are enough for your character to be in the first 13(?) of the pbase. If these two remain true till next reboot and you keep rewarding you will keep the flag. Also you didn't get any rewards as a paragon because it is not recommended to reward the paragons. Check the help file.

ps: I like your name. A friend of mine is called Iria irl. :D

Thanks. It sort of clarifies a lot that I didn't know.


Author:  dufelt [ Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paragon Question

Okay, since we're doing Paragon class 101 and Iria's question has been answered and this is my first ever character to receive Paragon status ...

Can you reward a player that isn't logged in?

I had the idea of deciding at the end of the day who I'd interacted with that day who deserved it ... but that may be someone from the start of my day that is no longer logged in.

(I'm in GMT so the start of my day is the end of most people's days)

Author:  evena [ Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paragon Question

You can't reward anyone who isn't logged in. As you're aware, you can reward someone you've seen RP well with a small enlight, or you can use a medium for someone who is consistent. I think that rewards actually spawn at a funky time. They used to, at least. Sometimes you wouldn't get what amounted to "one enlight a day." I can't remember specifically how it worked, but I think that it was a 24 hour period, so you'd get your enlight at the same time you used it. I would hope at this point, it would be tied into the nightly roll over. You don't need to feel the need to offer an immediate enlight, though. Sometimes you see enlights like the one that you and I saw the other day. Random person sitting in the inn idle for 45 minutes gets an enlightenment from a PAR who just logged in. Not displaying any worthiness of one at the time, but still having done something to warrant one.

Remember that PAR and enlights are OOC. It is a reward given for playing your character well, something that doesn't translate into the world of SK. When I gave out enlights, I would be sure to send an OOC tell to the person letting them know why I felt they deserved one, and encourage them to keep up the good work. I have received similar messages from other PARs and even Staff members.

Author:  Tragonis [ Mon Jan 03, 2011 2:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paragon Question

I always thought the code behind keeping paragon is not so much activity as it is how many awards you give out. Lets say you became paragon after 10 enlightenments, and the top ten awarded characters with the minimum amount of hours needed are also paragons. Let's say that is 30 hours. Now this month you logged in the minimum needed hours and awarded 20 different people. Another paragon awarded only 3 people. Now this is where the paragon code steps in, where it wants you to award people. Lets say on average ten players a month. Since you awarded 20, you will recieve 10 bonus points for the next month and low and behold, you remain a paragon, even if you yourself did not recieve an award that entire month.

This is my own little theory having been a paragon a few months here and there, but I think you should always be encouraged to give out rewards. But its a thin line, so do not reward just any rp, since then it takes away of being special.

Author:  ninja_ardith [ Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paragon Question

I think paragons get suckered into being elitists and thinking they're so much better than everybody else so don't bother rewarding anything less than a groundbreaking, stellar event that a character engaged in.

Tragonis is right though, you get bonus points for rewarding, and the game penalises you for not rewarding. I don't see a point in listing any numbers though, because that's not the point. Rewarding roleplying is its own reward if you get that.

Author:  Teh_Peso [ Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paragon Question

Paragon means little.

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