Now that I am not trying to set this up on a smart phone, let me expand a little on my idea...everyone gets the jist of it, but I can go into more detail.
Are you new to Shattered Kingdoms? [Y/N]
Welcome to the Shattered Kingdoms. This is a roleplaying MUD but we do not
necessarily shy away from player killing. The world is divided up into
several kingdoms. Players pick a kingdom to live in and they will be
expected to defend their homeland. Those that do not become outcasts.
Join a cabal to become more powerful and gain some special allies. You
must roleplay a character, not just yourself. Have fun learning the ropes!
I suggest.
Welcome to the Shattered Kingdoms. This is a roleplaying MUD but we do not
necessarily shy away from player killing. The world is divided up into
several kingdoms. Players pick a kingdom to live in and they will be
expected to defend their homeland. Those that do not become outcasts.
Join a cabal to become more powerful and gain some special allies. You
must roleplay a character, not just yourself. (same up until the last line for newbies)
We have developed a tutorial to show you basic commands and movement
functions used in the game. More advanced functions can be learned from their
Tutorial area
You find yourself floating in empty space. All around you is only
grayness as far as the eye can see.
A disembodied voice speaks out: Greetings mortal and welcome to Shattered Kingdoms.
My name is Bob, I will mentor you and show you the basics on interactin with the world
you are about to live in. But first I would like to know your name.
A disembodied voice greets you.
Bob says, Simply *greet bob* to introduce yourself, you will find other adventurers along
the way that you may want to get to know. What better way to start out with a
simple introduction.
you greet bob.
bob greets you.
bob says, great work! Now there are other ways to interact with people, if you want to
know how someone looks simply look at them and it will show you their descriptors and
other tidbits of information.
Bob says Simply *look bob* and you will see what I look like.
you look at bob
Floating before you is a misty apperation, no face or body structure is present,
however you see the formation of eyes peering at you with kindness. The formation
of a mouth is your only real way of seeing that he is actually talking to you.
Bob is wearing <supernatural hide>
bob is in excellent condition.
bob says Good work. Now lets continue on with talking. I am sitting here running my
mouth at you without giving you a chance to talk back. Now would you please
say Hello.bob says the *say* command is preceeded by anything you wish to speak. so *say hello*
would say hello.
you say, Hello.
bob says to you Wonderful work, mortal. However who were you speaking to? There is only me here,
not like an audience around the room is there? So lets work on directing your speech to someone.
Now I would like you to
say hello to me.bob says *sayto person* is how you direct your speech towards a specific person. There are adjectives
that people use to make it easier to talk to them. so simply *sayto bob hello*
you say to bob Hello.
bob says Thats it, we are off to a great start. Now lets work on one other form of communication.
Bob tells you, I am speaking to you through telepathy. All people in this world have an innate ability
to talk to anyone else in the world at anytime that they wish. I am not speaking this outloud, but simply
in the back of your mind somewhere.
bob tells you Now I want you to
tell me hellobob says Simply *tell person hello* and it will tell them what you want them to hear. However sometimes
people are sleeping to recover their energies and won't be able to hear you. Simply try again later when they
are awake. There is also the Quiet option which makes it so that person doesn't recieve tells at all.
You tell bob Hello.
Bob says Marvelous. You are proceeding quite nicely.
Bob says Now lets work on gestures.
bob says There are a multitude of gestures that you can do with other people. Including
emoting and pemoting, but thats more advanced and you can practice with those later.
But for now I would simply like for you to wave to me.
bob says *wave person* is a simple gesture to signify a greeting or to attract their attention.
the *comand* function will give you a list of the many different types of gestures you can preform.
bob waves to you.
you wave to bob.
bob says Great work. Now that we have covered the basics of speech and gestures, lets move on to
Bob says There are many different exits you will see around the world, the most basic are your cardinal directions:
North, South, East, and West. And the ordinal directions, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest.
So lets try moving around a bit to get your legs moving. I will open a portal for you and we will proceed onward!
you see bob open a doorway in the mists facing northward.
Bob says Now before we move, you can now look around the room and see the exits that are availiable, so Lets *look*
Tutorial area
You find yourself floating in empty space. All around you is only
grayness as far as the eye can see.
Exits: N(closed)
Bob says Notice now how there is the exit to the north, but its closed! Try and *open* it.
you open the door.
bob says Excellent, lets get moving. Lets go (N)orth.
you walk north.
Tutorial area
You find yourself floating in empty space. All around you is only
grayness as far as the eye can see.
Exits:E(closed) s
Bob says Notice there is a door to the east, and a door to the south. We came through the
south entrance to here. Lets continue east.
you open the door
you walk east
Tutorial area
You find yourself floating in empty space. All around you is only
grayness as far as the eye can see.
Exits: N(closed) W
Bob says I will let you walk around a bit, when you get to the end of the pathway, we will discuss more.
.......and so on and so forth.
What do you guys think?