Shattered Kingdoms

Weapon Accuracy
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Author:  archaicsmurf [ Fri Oct 11, 2013 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Weapon Accuracy

help accuracy
No help on that word.

What does it impact?

Probability to be parried? Blocked? Riposted? Dodged?

Author:  Cordance [ Sun Oct 13, 2013 12:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Weapon Accuracy

From help enchant

- accuracy: improves chance to hit, parry, disarm and penetrate armor.

Author:  archaicsmurf [ Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Weapon Accuracy

How does that work with natural weapons?

Author:  Galactus [ Mon Oct 14, 2013 2:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Weapon Accuracy

archaicsmurf wrote:
How does that work with natural weapons?

With no spells/eq it is purely based on your size, str, skills (self defense/brawling/wild fighting). In other words, generally sucks to be weaponless. Never really seen anyone using brawling/wild fighting eq before and most likely that is because they suck.

Author:  jreid_1985 [ Mon Oct 14, 2013 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Weapon Accuracy

archaicsmurf wrote:
How does that work with natural weapons?

Spells and skills like bless and fury that raise acc should buff your parry chance with claws as a griffon, although I haven't really tested that out and as galactus pointed out, str is a contributing factor.
Wild fighting is generally not too accurate, and Im not certain if your parry chance is based off of that accuracy.

Author:  archaicsmurf [ Wed Oct 16, 2013 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Weapon Accuracy

Follow-up question.

Syntax: stance <aggressive|neutral|defensive>

Your stance determines how you react to combat. Aggressive combatants
are more likely to hit and will dish out more damage but are also more
likely to be hit themselves and expend more energy when attacking.

Defensive combatants are less likely to be hit and can concentrate on using
their shield for increased effectiveness and leg defense but have a reduced
rate of attack with both weapons and spells.

Neutral combatants have neither benefits nor penalties.
Stance also affects rescue.

Does mood defensive also increase probability to parry?

Author:  jreid_1985 [ Wed Oct 16, 2013 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Weapon Accuracy

Anyone feel free to correct me if you know otherwise..

I think mood defensive actually decreases parry chance, but increases dodge/shield block chance.

With my recent swashbuckler, if someone was wielding a weapon, it felt as if it was more beneficial for me to be mood aggressive.

With mood defensive, I definitely saw more armor deflections and dodges, but a noticeably smaller number of parries landed.

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