Shattered Kingdoms

Where Roleplay and Tactics Collide
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:17 pm 

Joined: Fri Mar 01, 2002 4:00 pm
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Lighties are trying to stop mass panic and keep the chaos people in the dark. :p

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:25 pm 

Joined: Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:50 pm
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SK Character: Karsh
I would just like to point out that my character has done her level best to involve as many people as possible in this RP, but that the vast majority have either claimed indifference or RP-related restriction from assistance. And yes, she has been working towards including people to complete an agenda, but then...what the hell would someone expect? *Everyone* in this RP would be trying to involve people based on an agenda, the only difference is the specifics of said agenda. Basically, if you're not willing to stand up and do something to benefit one side or the other, don't [REDACTED] that you're not being included, because in major, world-shaking events, fence sitters are *never* welcome just because they want to know what's going on.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 1:07 am 

Joined: Mon Feb 17, 2003 9:55 pm
Posts: 1365

Look, OOCly the only merit to global RPs is as roleplay fodder. Our characters have that whether they know about the plot or not. Indeed, coming up with your own interpetation might well be more fun.

I'd agree that IF a cabal expects to change the world with an RP, they need to perform some public acts. Is anybody OOCly expecting the end of the world? Didn't think so.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:42 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 15, 2006 8:46 am
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Location: Aludra's Heart
Would have been most helpful if I wasn't tangled up in 2 RP plots and have my connection just disappear from under me. I don't think anyone is withholding information as there just haven't been enough people on since that time quite yet for the 'telephone game' to fully take place and the news to fully spread around.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:40 am 
Mortal Contributor

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SK Character: That'd be telling
[not a moan]

I would just like to offer support in the direction of the 'what on earth is the global RP' crew.

I recently logged on for a short while with my alt, who knows few people and has few connections. He stumbled upon some of what happened, but only got a sketchy idea at best, certainly nothing in the grand 'end of the world' scheme of things.

With my main character... well it is a different story. I know about the blood orb, but have really not been involved, despite some attempts to get involved. Though unfortunately much happens while I am sleeping, so I do get that.

However, with the latest offering of a GRP and the events that took place (which I now know a little of) none of this has been mentioned to him at all - and obviously I cannot just rock up and ask "hey, what happened the other month..." because I have no reason to. There are no signs that anything happened at all and NOBODY talks about it openly...

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:16 am 

Joined: Fri Jul 21, 2006 9:04 am
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Maybe not everyone should know about it ICly. I mean one person I imagine made the prophecy. ICly most people probably would have taken it for mindles banter, unbelievable or something. I don't think anyone even knows who made the prophecy, much less believe it. And the people that do, and or know about it, probably don't want many others to know about it. I like the way it is. Two opposing powers struggling to figure out WTF!?!?!?!? It's a threatening atmosphere with the threat of the end of the world, and everyone should be running around chaotically like headless chickens. Which from what I've seen, is some of what has happened. So yeah... good luck saving/destroying pyrathia!

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:26 pm 

Joined: Sat Jul 16, 2005 7:50 pm
Posts: 1798
wortsenawl wrote:
However, with the latest offering of a GRP and the events that took place none of this has been mentioned to him at all - and obviously I cannot just rock up and ask "hey, what happened the other month..." because I have no reason to. There are no signs that anything happened at all and NOBODY talks about it openly...

Yes, being left in the dark definitely isn't fun. At any rate, there are quite a few 'signs' (quite literally actually) being left in the game now. I am sure you will either find or hear about them soon enough. Image

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