I was reading a log on the logs site, and macbeth posted a pk log. Reading through, I noticed he had several triggers set up. As follows
XXXX starts to concentrate.
>>>XXXX is casting<<<<
XXX's bash slams into YYYY and sends them sprawling!
>>>YYYY is bashed<<<
I have tried everything to replicate this, and just cant figure it out. What I have now, is
#TRIGGER{starts to concentrate}
Problem with this is.. a) I can not use >>> or <<< as symbols, syntax error. b) I cant figure out how to make it point, %1 and %t do not work. c) I cant make it just red text on my black background. I have to go into my color prefrences and change system output color, which changes several other things. I tried PM'ing the creater of the log, and have gotten no response. Might anyone help me with this?