zryych wrote:
As far as the complaining about loot goes, enchant becoming at least somewhat targetable would actually solve a lot.
I had an idea earlier last week about enchanting, but because there was talk about changes being in the works, I didn't bother bringing it up. My idea was that when you [cast 'enchant armor' helm], you get the chance of spell failure, chance of equipment blowing up, and chance of equipment becoming enchanted. I left out the chance of it getting faded and it recieving double enchantment for a reason.
If I cast enchant at a breastplate, and it becomes enchanted, I would, as per the current usual, cast identify on it to glean what enchantment was placed on it. As per usual, I would see that now the breastplace has randomly recieved reflex, willpower, fortitude, magical protection, or magic resistnce on it.
This is where things would be different. Instead of one rune, you would get anywhere from three (you gain access to enchant armor at expert, aka level 30) to five runes(grandmaster), depending on the level of enchanter. After a piece of equipment is magical, it would no longer be able to be enchanted.
This would almost require a spell that specifically fades things. Perhaps dispel magic could be used to target in a new way to disenchant things you're holding, or a new "disenchant" spell.
In the end, people who spend more time on their gear would have better items, but wouldn't be able to spend 10+hours into min/maxing their equipment. People will better be able to control what type of enchantments their equipment has, and it makes them choose between making sure that will save is really really high, or spreading the runes out.