Aelandron, I liked your post but I want to correct a few misconceptions.
Aelandron wrote:
I think this is a key point to note, as the game does somewhat provide the opportunity for players to shine, through the paragon status to step into a role of mentorship via example, but is that enough? I’m not entirely convinced that it is.
On SK, paragon and mentor are terms that refer to two specific and different things. Paragon is earned through receiving rewards and in turn provides the ability to confer rewards. Mentor is a status after which you are allowed to re-enter training areas for the purpose of helping newbies. Mentors are not tasked with enforcing RP.
Aelandron wrote:
For example: Is it good RP to use the WHO list to contact someone you’ve never met in the game, not even by sight? Answer: probably not. I know it’s pretty standard practice right now, but seriously of all the thousands, or millions of citizens in the world at large you’ve created, how did you isolate and contact another players thoughts who you’ve never even seen? That’s probably not good RP.
Actually, it's been pretty well established that on SK, your title represents word of mouth (or possibly word of "thought"). Everyone on the who list represents an adventurer who is a cut above the average resident of the world. And everyone on the who list (along with a majority of the total population) also has at least minor telepathic powers.
Aelandron wrote:
What does forcing players to kill NPC’s do? It forces what should otherwise be an RP decision on a character. Could not a warrior level by training with a master and a wooden sword? Could not a mage level by learning their craft really well? Could a bard not level by singing and writing poems? What reason is there to force leveling by combating non responsive NPCs?
SK does not force killing or even fighting as a way of leveling (although it remains the most efficient method). You can gain XP from fighting using mode stun. You can also gain XP through the use of non-combat abilities, quests and through rewards. Bards can indeed gain XP from singing.