Dulrik wrote:
A decent amount of work actually went into creating casting times specifically for SK. It was not a standard feature of MUDs then and I am not sure how many other games bothered.
I know of only one other mud that has it (three before two went under and were offshoots of disgruntled players of the first mud), and has for as long as I have been playing here, which is nearing a 20 year mark in the next year or two. The way they filled in the gap is to make spell-casting interrupt-able. This was in the form of a counter spell, trip or bash.
In any of these cases, there was a chance that the spell would simply falter and stop casting. In such a case, there was another chance of a random effect happening due to the chaotic nature of unfocused energy being released, be it a weird, momentary effect to the caster (nose suddenly turns red and bulbous before reverting to normal), summoning a random piece of food, instant death to the caster (killed a LOT of boss-type NPCs solo doing this) and things in between.
I am not advocating this, but I would not be adverse to this happening, either. A bit of randomness in disrupts would be interesting.