Teijo Akihoshi wrote:
First, we wanted to -not- teach the said skill to people of a certain strength or below, but Dulrik said we couldn't withold cabal spells/skills. So yes, we can't just tell them not to learn it.
You can heavily advise them not to do so if they want to remain alive. If they continue to do so at a low level and make it obviously they're part of the cabal, I guess you could make a case to uninduct them based on incredible stupidity. You can induct someone because they're stupid, right?
Next, its not fair to sit around and scout out journeyman so you can gank them and call it a war and disregard their level. And even so, the character's interaction change immediately when they are found out. It isn't ok and in a post algon made before on these forums Dulrik said any who were caught doing that, camping, to find out cabal members would be severely punished, though I would like a guarantee at this point.
What? It's now illegal to sit in front of an enemy hq to kill enemies? I would like to hear some of the logic behind this. It's not like it's been done for years or anything without complaints.
The same tactics apply that always apply, the way I see it. You don't want to get caught, don't use the skills openly. If they're passive skills, don't learn them. If your cabal leader cares anything at all for your safety, he'll tell you never to ever come anywhere near the HQ. If you don't want to die at all, don't join a cabal and go find a cave in the middle of nowhere to hide.
I see no problem killing jmen who have joined an enemy faction.
You know what you're getting into. Quote:
Oh I want cabal powers! Mwuahahaha! But I don't want to get ganked by an opposing force cause I'm only journeyman but I want my skills!
Nothing comes free.
Chemhound put it well. You join, you're stupid enough to get caught, you die. Repeatedly.
When I kill somebody who walks into an enemy hq, it's not
because they're a jman. I would bet the majority of the people who camp HQs don't even have time to look or consider. Escaping is far too easy in this game. You're killed because you're an enemy. Tough. Read above if you don't want this to happen.
Unfair? No. Why not? If I was running by you with 3% hp trying to escape, you would sure as hell try to kill me if you could. This "level immunity" people try to flaunt around is a joke. Level gives you nothing. Stop using it as an excuse to keep yourself from being killed.