Help File wrote:
help camo
[Skills help] camouflage
Syntax: camouflage
Camouflage is the scout equivalent of a rogue's ability to hide. A scout
must be in the wilderness to hide however, as there is little natural cover in
a city. Any attempt to move breaks the camouflage. In order for complete
concealment, any items worn that are glowing are best removed.
See also: ambush stop visible
Should read:
Revised Help File wrote:
help camo
[Skills help] camouflage
Syntax: camouflage
Camouflage is the scout equivalent of a rogue's ability to hide. By rolling around in dust, dirt, muck, sand, whatever... a scout can near instantly become INVISIBLE to anyone else. Even if they are wearing bright yellow spandex, carrying a flaming sword, and half buried in a beach of BLACK SAND, as long as the scout is in the wilderness they can hide; however, as there is little natural cover ina city. Any attempt to move breaks the camouflage. In order for complete concealment, any items worn that are glowing are best removed.
See also: ambush stop visible