jreid_1985 wrote:
Why would anyone let you know they are coming for you?
Politeness. Professionalism. Sportsmanship. Roleplay. Community-building comraderie among players, even if their characters are at odds. Giving your enemy a chance to give you a satisfying challenge. Giving the player of your enemy a chance to try to drop hints that they're taking care of a baby and not able to entertain a battle. Taking pleasure in their quivering boots. There are many reasons why.
In my opinion the most significant is this: if you're coming for someone, and you want them to die in your arms, then it's a classy idea to make sure they know who to call afterwards to talk about it and have something to talk about when they do so.
There are a lot of options, as many as there are players, but "getting the gank" is probably not one of them.
If that's the only measuring stick, then, well, I guess we have an elephant in the room.